Smol Sharks

Smol Sharks are all about Size (measured in kg).

The bigger the shark, the bigger the $TEETH payout in the Ocean Zero game.

Size is based on inherent Rarity Boost and earned XP (Size = Rarity Boost * XP).

There are 8 Classes with varying Rarity Boosts:

Since Rarity Boost is inherent and cannot be changed, the only way to grow a shark is to get some XP.

Currently, the only way to get XP is to lock your Shark.



Smol Sharks introduces an innovative model called Lock-to-Grow. Unlike traditional staking/locking, Lock-to-Grow awards XP in full amount the moment a Smol Shark is locked.

Smol Sharks get 168 XP per week locked.

A locked Smol Shark can not be transferred.

Smol Sharks can be locked for up to 52 weeks.


If a Smol Shark is locked (becoming non-transferrable) for 52 weeks, it gets 8,736 XP (52 * 168) immediately (and not linearly over the locking period as one would expect with typical staking/locking).

This makes it possible for small fish to compete with whales:

A Common Shark locked for 52 weeks beats Robber and Astronaut sharks locked for shorter periods.

Reasons to max-lock

Why would anyone lock their Smol Shark for 1 year?

The answer is simple: one would be willing to do this because they expect their $TEETH payouts to compensate for the inability to sell their Smol Shark.

A typical hypothetical scenario:

  1. Buy a Smol Shark for 20 MAGIC

  2. Max-lock it for 1 year

  3. Play Ocean Zero and earn >20 MAGIC

  4. Profit

Last updated